
March 17, 2008

13:00 S. Komura (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Opening Address
13:10 R. Dimova (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany)
Domain Formation in Model Membranes Induced by Electrofusion of Giant Vesicles
13:55 T. Taniguchi (Yamagata University, Japan)
Shape Deformation and Phase Separation Dynamics of Two Component Vesicle
14:40 Break
15:00 P. B. S. Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)
Domain Growth in Fluid Membranes with Asymmetric Transbilayer Lipid Distribution
15:45 T. Sugawara (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Time-Development Morphological Changes of Self-Aggregates of Amphiphiles
16:30 Break
16:50 T. Hamada (Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Japan)
Domain-Mediated Endocytic Budding in a Raft Model Membrane
17:10 Y. Tamba (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Effect of Cholesterol on the (−)-Epigallocatechin Gallate-Induced Burst of PC-GUVs
17:30 N. Shimokawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
The Phase Behavior of Mixed Lipid Membranes in Presence of the Rippled Phase
17:50 Y. Sakuma (Ochanomizu University, Japan)
Adhesion of Binary Vesicles Containing Negative Spontaneous Curvature Lipids
18:10 Announcement
18:30 Banquet (COOP in TMU)

March 18, 2008

9:30 S. L. Keller (University of Washington, USA)
Liquid Domains in Lipid Membranes
10:15 S. Komura (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Hydrodynamics in Multicomponent Biomembranes
11:00 Break
11:20 T. Toyota (Chiba University, Japan)
Morphology of Giant Vesicles Formed by Centrifuging Water-in-Oil Emulsion Layered on Water Phase
11:40 S. Ramachandran (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)
A DPD Simulation Study of Active Membranes
12:00 Lunch
13:50 M. Angelova (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, France)
The Dynamics of Mitochondrial Cristae - A Study Involving GUVs and Micropipette Local pH Modulation
14:35 M. Imai (Ochanomizu University, Japan)
Shape Deformation of Vesicle Coupled with Phase Separation
15:20 Break
15:40 V. Levadny (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
Lateral Polarization of Lipid Head Dipoles by Surface Charges
16:25 K. Takiguchi (Nagoya University, Japan)
Real-Time Observation of Various Morphological and Topological Transformations That Induced into Giant Liposome
17:10 N. Puff (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, France)
Directional Membrane Protrusions Guided by a Local pH Gradient
17:30 Announcement

March 19, 2008

9:30 B. A. Smith (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Dynamic Strength of Lipid Membranes Exposed to Antimicrobial Peptides
10:15 M. Yamazaki (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Effects of Surface Charge Density of Lipid Membranes on the Pore Formation Induced by Antimicrobial Peptide Magainin 2: the Single GUV Method Study
11:00 Break
11:20 S.-i. M. Nomura (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
Artificial Cell Models of Membrane Protein Synthesizing Liposome
11:40 M. Ichikawa (Kyushu University, Japan)
Experimental Study of Lateral Phase Separation in Multi-Component Membranes From the Side of Diffusion Properties
12:00 D. Baigl (Ecole Normale Superieure, France)
Giant Liposomes of Controlled Size and Composition: Preparation, Mechanisms, and Applications as Artificial Cell Models
12:45 M. Imai (Ochanomizu University, Japan)